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Assessing Outcomes in Child and Youth Programs: A Practical Handbook, Revised Edition.

Sabatelli, R., Anderson, S. and LaMotte, V. (2005). University of Connecticut School of Family Studies Center for Applied Research and State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management.


This handbook offers a list of positive youth outcomes that research has shown to be associated with helping youth to lead successful and productive lives. It also provides a compilation of evaluation instruments.

Data-Driven Decisionmaking for Strategic Justice Reinvestment.

Dwyer, A., Neusteter, S.R., Lachman, P. (May 2012). Urban Institute Justice Policy Center.


This policy brief addresses the value and use of data to identify population drivers, quantify cost drivers, guide reinvestment efforts, and ensure sustainability.


Evaluation Design Checklist.

Stufflebeam, D. (2004). Western Michigan University, The Evaluation Center.


This checklist is intended as a generic guide to decisions one should at least consider when planning and conducting an evaluation.


FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention


The Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Toolkit includes resources to assist family support and child abuse prevention programs and conduct meaningful evaluations of their services.


Selecting an Appropriate Evaluation Design,

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.


SAMHSA outlines factors to consider when selecting an evaluation design, including the purpose of the evaluation, what is going to be evaluated, and what will be done with the evaluation results.evaluation, what is going to be evaluated, and what will be done with the evaluation results.

Measuring Success

Resource Guide

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